Exploring drivers of fintech adoption among elderly consumers

Fintech services
Digital experience
Digital finance inclusion
Media panel
Technology in Society

Yunwoo Choi

Sangpil Han

Changjun Lee*



As the digital economy expands, understanding the integration of elderly consumers into this paradigm becomes crucial. This study presents a nuanced exploration of the factors that influence elderly consumers’ adoption of fintech services and elucidates the pivotal role of daily digital experiences in fostering the elderly’s acceptance of such services. Employing an integrative approach, this study examines demographic, personal, socioenvironmental, and digital usage characteristics, through South Korean panel data (N = 3465) from 2019 to 2020. The findings uniquely identify the 50–64 age group and those cohabitating with younger generations as being more inclined toward fintech usage. This study introduces a novel perspective by demonstrating that elderly individuals’ enjoyment of digital media and their engagement with younger generations significantly drive their involvement with fintech services. The elderly exhibits substantial potential as proactive fintech users, navigating perceived risks with discernment. This study contributes to the academic discourse by offering comprehensive insights into elderly consumers’ fintech adoption, highlighting the importance of understanding this demographic’s unique preferences and interactions with the digital economy. It also underscores the potential for targeted strategies to enhance fintech service adoption among the elderly and foster a more inclusive digital finance landscape.